
Flashback to 1971-'72

A Chronicle of the Major Events the Class of '72 Faced In Its Senior Year

June 29, 1971

Radcliffe approves a deal that more closely links it with Harvard. The two will share fundraising and financing, and Radcliffe houses will join a unified house system, but admissions are still to be handled separately.

July 1, 1971

Derek C. Bok succeeds Nathan M. Pusey '28, becoming Harvard University's 25th president and the first without a degree from Harvard College. Bok begins a restructuring of top-level administration, spreading authority over four vice-presidents and two presidential assistants.

September 24, 1971


All students are photographed during registration for Harvard's first photographic identification cards. Keeping an eye on Big Brother, student representatives insure that the University makes no copies and returns all negatives.

September 24, 1971

Incoming Radcliffe students find in their registration folders a letter from the "Alumni Committee on Undergraduate Comportment," which cites an alleged increase in contraceptive device sales and asks the female students to "restrain the baser instincts of the menfolk." The mimeographed letter is evidently a hoax. The Harvard Lampoon denies responsibility.

September 27, 1971

Harvard-Radcliffe Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) pickets outside a class taught by Professor of Psychology Richard J. Herrnstein. An article he wrote for the Atlantic Monthly justifies unemployment as the result of an inherited lack of mental ability, their leaflets charge. The protesters enter the lecture hall but do not disrupt his talk.

September 29, 1971

Word reaches Cambridge that Richard E. Hyland '69-'70, a leader of the 1969 seizure of University Hall, has been arrested in Mexico City for alleged revolutionary activities. Mexican police charge that he is a member of the Movimiento de Accion Revolucionario, a group allegedly responsible for a series of bank robberies. Later allegations link him to the Comando Armando del Peuble, a Marxist urban guerilla group. Authorities do not level a specific charge. Under Mexican law, Hyland may be held in prison for as long as a year before charges are brought.

September 30, 1971

Cambridge City Council campaign expenses reach $144 for Robert A. Romagna '74. Romagna, a 19-year-old undergraduate, is running on an anti-corruption platform.

October 4, 1971
