Additional departmental courses should be counted toward students' Core requirements, the Faculty's Core Review Committee told the Faculty Council Wednesday.
The recommendation is a departure from the Committee's original proposal, which did not call for changes to the bypass allowances of the Core Curriculum.
"The Core Committee revised its proposals in such a way as to accommodate the concerns of the students and the Faculty," said Professor of Chinese History Peter K. Bol, a Council member.
Among the revisions was a suggestion that the Faculty allow departmental courses to count toward Core requirements if the classes passed the review by the appropriate committee.
In a separate proposal, the Committee suggested only allowing high-level departmental courses to count, provided the courses have college-level prerequisites and pass the standard review process.
Pforzheimer University Professor Sidney H. Verba '53, who chairs the review committee, is widely expected to submit official legislation on Core reform to the Faculty by Monday, placing the bill on the docket for the May 20 Faculty meeting.
Council members said Verba hopes to revise his proposal further before writing the final legislation, however.
The full Faculty must vote on all changes to the Core Curriculum.
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