

Council Should Save Capital


Since the Undergraduate Council's Campus Life Committee lacks the funds to attract big name bands (e.g. Dave Matthews), the council should simply hold off hiring lesser-known bands for a few years, in order to build up some capital. By earmarking the $7,500 per year they spend on bands now as a long-term fund, they could develop more bargaining power to bring bigger musical groups to Harvard.

The council could land a big enough profit from this one concert to fund another each year; the three or four year start-up waiting period would not have to be repeated. By selling discounted tickets to students and full price tickets to the Boston community, the council could generate enough revenue to make it an annual event, especially if the University would donate space for the concert, like Soldiers Field.

Of course, student groups are not known for their long-term planning ability, due to the quick turnover in their staff. But the council's Campus Life Committee's long-term mission of improving Harvard students' social lives should be reflected and demonstrated by equally long-term planning and implementation. --Charlton K. Byun '98


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