

More Summas for '97


I was good friends with many members of the Class of 1996. They were nice people, good drinking buddies and fine card players. No doubt they'll make fine consultants and investment bankers someday.

But (and I hate to be blunt) they weren't the brightest bunch I've ever met. No way should so many of them have been awarded magna degrees, much less summa honors.

Let's be honest. The Class of 1996 got by from cribbing notes and study sheets from the Class of 1997. This nuance should not be lost on The Crimson staff--or on the Faculty that is so worried about "grade inflation."

So while some professors, in all their wisdom, rightly lament last year's abundance of good grades, they should realize they have no other choice in 1997.

Do the right thing. Roll out the summas.


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