

Alex Carter (no statement), Samuel Cohen, Lillian Epstein, Kamil Redmond, Andrew Ruggiero, Olivia Verma

Samuel C. Cohen '00

The council is a service organization working to improve undergraduate life. As Vice President, I would keep the council focused on those issues that the student body is united behind increased support for student groups, increased key-card access, dining services flexibility, buses to Harvard-Yale and other services and less on those external political issues that don't serve students.

Finding means to increase support for student groups is the number one priority. Direct solicitation of alumni for funds, providing vans for student group transportation use and negotiating reduced fees for campus performance spaces are just the first steps. If the President and Vice President focus on this type of issue, then there is a chance for real progress to made in improving student life on campus.

Lillian J. Epstein '99

Do you know what the U.C. is doing? The U.C. needs a voice with students! I'm Lilly Epstein, and I am a second term council member. I've been at the head of efforts to change the move-in date, to provide universal key card access and to improve Loker. Basically, I know how the U.C. works and I know how the administration works. We can show you RESULTS by making the following changes: a) Looking for outside funding to increase the size of grants to student groups; b) Creating a campus wide e-mail list to send a short weekly council update to students; c) Decreasing the size of the council in order to increase accountability and efficiency. I have the knowledge and dedication to get the job done!


Kamil E. Redmond '99

I am running for student body vice president because I am passionate about the U.C., and I see the potential for this organization to be an effective representative body through which real change can be made on this campus. I am committed to pushing student services and addressing concerns of student groups. I also think that the U.C. should be a voice in which students can dialogue about issues that are affecting themselves and the rest of campus. I would like to see the U.C. become an active, powerful, open voice in which all students would feel comfortable bringing their grievances before the U.C.

Some of the issues that I would like to see addressed by the council are advising, safety issues and minority and female concerns, such as diversifying in terms of ethnicity and gender the current tenured faculty.

Andrew F. Ruggiero '99

Hello voters,

I'd like you all to vote for me for vice president. Here are some of the things I want to do:

1) STOP THE P.C. POLICE--The Undergraduate Council generally buys into any nonsense that can fly under the flag of political correctness, often neglecting reason and even common sense.

2) RETHINK SPRINGFEST--Let's not repeat the "God-Street-Wine-gate" debacle. If we can't get a band that people have heard of, there's no reason to spend $9,000.

3) RESPECT READING PERIOD--Every reading period I, along with many Harvard students, are swamped with assignments given by professors in violation of University policy. The U.C. needs to lobby the administration to correct this.

Thanks for reading, and have a good day.
