The recent controversy surrounding grapes has surprised even the most savvy pundits with its bizarre twists and unexpected turns. The following is a sampling of some of the events that have led to today's referendum.
The United Farm Workers (UFW) calls for a national boycott of table grapes, citing low wages for workers and protesting the policies of Republican California Governor George Duekmejian. The boycott is the third the union has called in its history.
Duke University bans grapes.
Urged on by students, Harvard Dining Services (HDS) bans grapes.
Duke University lifts ban on grapes.
Yale University students organize a petition against grapes and eventually the university bans grapes in its dining halls.
Four Stanford students go on a hunger strike to encourage the university to take a position in the debate.
Stanford University announces it will boycott table grapes.
Pressure from student groups forces Duke University to reintroduces its grape boycott.
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