

Horn Column on TFs 'Awk,' But Humorous


As one of Harvard's often-dangerous-when-threatened half-students and half-teachers, I read with some interest Dara Horn's opinion piece in your Oct. 24 issue ("Becoming a Bad TF: All You Need to Know.") While Horn dutifully qualifies her negative--and, granted, not completely inaccurate--assessments of her data, the sarcasm which Horn directs against all teaching fellows as a species is often "Awk," at best, and of limited wit (i.e., "Nice Work": B+...make that a B). In fact, I wasn't quite sure what the overall point of Horn's article was, until I read Reader Representative Noelle C. Eckley's companion piece, printed directly above it ("Filling The Crimson: Better Judgment Needed in Selecting Wire Stories and Photos.") My compliments to your editorial staff on this profound juxtaposition. Still, given a choice, I think I'd rather see more photos of Paris fashion shows gracing your pages. See you in section.

Paul Korchin, GSAS 5th year, Dept. of Near

  Eastern Languages & Civilizations


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