
Council President Will Not Run For Re-Election

Lamelle D. Rawlins '99, the first female Undergraduate Council president, will not run for re-election, she announced at last night's council meeting.

"It was a difficult decision to make," Rawlins said. "There's a lot of stuff to be done before February, before the end of my term," Rawlins said. "I'm looking forward to getting stuff done."

The election commission will announce the final slate of candidates tonight.

In new business, the council endorsed a recommendation to the College's Committee on House Life (COHL) that all under-graduates have 24-hour access to the main entryway of the houses.

But the council's Subcommittee on Universal Keycard Access, which issued the recommendation, said it also wants to "ensure that there are two locked doors between one's room and the outside world"--a provision that may be impossible because of the houses' for instance, access to the main door provides access to the entire house.


For this reason, Andrew F. Ruggiero '98, a resident of Cabot House, opposed the legislation. Students are often careless about locking the doors to their suites and rooms, Ruggiero said. Universal keycard access would compromise the safety of these students and their property, he said.

But the bill's sponsors reminded the council that keycard access remains solely the decision of each house master. They assured the council that they would negotiate with the College while keeping in mind the unique architecture of each house.

Harvard University Police Chief Francis D. "Bud" Riley said in a speech before the council last night that universal keycard access will bring only a minimal increase in safety, by allowing students to enter a house if they feel unsafe.

Riley cautioned the council not to make "an assumption that there are no students who are going to commit any crime."

Riley also commented on the new "Cops and Shops" initiative, launched by the Cambridge Police Department, which aims to apprehend underage people buying alcohol or people purchasing alcohol on behalf of underage drinkers.

"I'm not saying don't drink,"Riley said. "It is a dangerous time right now to be doing this."

"[The council has] an opportunity as a body to push for responsibility," Riley added.
