

SAA Event Not Only on India


College South Asian groups are wrestling with the problem of not accurately representing all of South Asia in their events. Since most of the membership of these groups is Indian, it is easy to overlook some of the other countries in the region such as Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

In the past few years the South Asian Association at Harvard has made a serious effort to address issues of all of South Asia. That is why I was upset that The Crimson's headline, "India Celebrates Independence" (News, Nov. 10) pertained to our forum on 50 years of independence.

Every attempt was made to include more than India in our forum. In fact, one of our main speakers, Dr. Siddiq Abdullah, is president of the Pakistani Association of the Greater Boston Area. We hope that next time our earnest attempts to represent all of South Asia are not forgotten. --Uttam K. Tambar '00, Academic-Political Chair, South Asian Association
