

Love, Not Hate, Is Christian Doctrine


In a letter defending the Christians who voiced anti-homosexual sentiment on National Coming Out Day (Nov. 7), Christopher G. Roberts '01 claims that "for Christians, homosexuality is a sin" and that therefore National Coming Out Day is a chance for them to "emphasize basic doctrine and make clear...the message of compassion in Christ's teachings." He uses an oft-quoted but obscure reference to Leviticus--taken out of context, no less--to support his claim.

For every Bible passage one might find against homosexuality, I could find one hundred whose message is love. Love is the fundamental Christian commandment, to use Roberts' words, the primary "basic doctrine." Political persecution of homosexuals hardly adheres to this ideal.

While I may not speak for all Christians--or all Catholics--I believe the "message of compassion in Christ's teachings" that Roberts mentions is entirely separate from the political agenda of conservative Christian groups. How ironic that anyone would use the phrase "compassion in Christ's teachings" as a pretext for persecution. To those Christians who quote the Bible to oppose homosexuality, speak for yourselves. If you want to speak of "toss[ing] aside [God's] loving commandment of salvation," as Roberts does, you may want to examine exactly what that phrase means. --Brendan G. Conway '00,   First-year Committee, Catholic Student Association
