
Quiz for the Weekend: Test Your Knowledge of University Trivia

1. Work on the April 7, 1944 issue of the wartime Crimson publication, the Harvard Service News, was interrupted when what foreign object came flying through a pressroom window?

A. A cinder block

B. A chemical gas bomb

C. A "very belligercent" sheep

D. A young Patrick R. Sorrento, Crimson production manager


2. Reduced civilan enrollment due to World War II resulted in what change in University in 1944?

A. All civilan housing shifted to the Yard

B. Adams House was rented out for conventions, family reunions

C. Dunster House closed down

D. Every first-year had his own floor in Yard dorms

3. Radcliffe students in naval training were reffered to by what name?


B. Sea-Cliffes


D. Mermaids

4. Which student group's mascot was kidnapped by the Harvard Service News staff?

A. The Advocate's trained lemur

B. The Lampy's ibis

C. The Band's large drum

D. The Undergraduate Council's herd of yaks

5. The Japanese surrender was celebrated at Harvard with what official reaction?

A. Free hats for all undergraduates

B. A two-day victory vacation

C. An enormous victory party in Memorial

D. Military parade down Mass. Ave.

6. A 1944 report Harvard Committee on the Objectives of a General Education in a Free Society led to what change in University policy?

A. The introduction of the Chickwich

B. The beginnings of Expository Writing

C. The promulgation of the University rule against protesting in classrooms

D. The creation of the Core curriculum

7. What enormous gift did the University receive with the blessing of Navy officers?

A. The USS Harvard, a large battle-ship which immediately began streaming for New Haven.

B. A working gun battery on top of Memorial Hall.

C. IBM's enormous Automatic Sequence Control Calculator.

D. The land on which Mather and Dunster Houses are built.

8. William J. Sidis '14, who died in 1944, entered Harvard at what age?

A. 9

B. 11

C. 18

D. 21

9. Which of these is not true about the Old Howard, a renowned Scollay Square "strip palace?"

A. A question about the ideal location of the theater was on Harvard's Geography 1 exam (answer: halfway between Harvard Square and the Charlestown Navy Yard).

B. The average student in the Class of 1940 had been to three Old Howard performances.

C. A special discount was accorded Harvard students, faculty and staff.

D. It was thought to be the best-known Boston landmark for Harvard students.

Answers: 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. C
