
Korean Lit Professor Is Tenured

Harvard has filled a void in its East Asian Languages and Civilizations Department by awarding tenure to an expert in Korean literature.

David R. McCann, currently professor of Korean Literature in Asian studies at Cornell University, will become one of only two tenured professors in Korean studies at Harvard.

"We are absolutely, totally enthusiastic," said Peter K. Bol, professor of Chinese history and chair of the East Asian Languages and Civilizations Department. "It is a very important step towards establishing a stronger focus on Korean studies."

McCann will teach survey courses on modern and pre-modern literature, as well as classes focusing on poetry and other readings written in Korean.

Reached last night at his home in New York, McCann said he has significant expectations for his new appointment.


"There's a real good library collection, as well as lots of visiting fellows, graduates, undergraduates and faculty interested in exploring further," he said. "I'm really looking forward to the experience."

The only other tenured professor in Korean studies is Professor of Korean History Carter J. Eckert, who is on leave this year. Eckert also directs Harvard's Korea Institute.

Students specializing in Korean studies have applauded the decision to add McCann.

"Everyone concentrating is generally very pleased since there aren't that many professors in Korean studies," said Young-Jee Won '98, who is concentrating in East Asian Studies and economics, specializing in Korean studies. "I'm really excited."

McCann will serve as the Korea Foundation Chair in Korean Literature. The position will be funded by the foundation.

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