

Hahn's Review of Rap Music Lacks Feeling and Energy


I would like to address a review in The Crimson from Monday, May 6, by Peter A. Hahn. I do not pretend to call myself an expert in the form of music we have come to call rap; but I do enjoy listening. And what I witnessed on Saturday last was not the type of "mediocre" and "pedestrian" performance as Mr. Hahn claims it was. It is possible that Mr. Hahn made these outrageous claims only to grab attention for himself as an aspiring writer. Well this was the wrong place to look. He would have discovered this if he had spoken with any one of the hundreds of kids who screamed "Pack the Pipe" or tried to jump on stage during "Otha Fish" or sang along with "Passing Me By."

This so-called reporter obviously has no sense for the feeling and the energy that is created and then emanated from and by a crowd that is into the music. My spine tingles when I think of Fatlip dancing with those girls on stage or Slimkidtre singing about how "everybody needs somebody to love." Apparently our reporter has some problems appreciating the beauty of the lyrics. And the one time Slimkid mentioned the albums is by no means enough to justify Mr. Hahn's blatant attack on the group. An examination of the lyrics finds that Mr. Hahn's claims of uninventiveness are unsound. When is the last time he heard a group that combines fly metaphors, jazzy undertones, squeaky high voices and bassy harmonies? Never. Since he is obviously underexposed in the musical world my suggestion is that he take a little time to develop a well-grounded opinion about what is good and what is not before he decides to spew hell fire upon the Pharcyde. Dig the music, feel the music, hear the music. If you can't hear what he's saying then I can understand why you don't like him. A talented rapper is not there to impress Peter Hahn, he is there to show you what he can do and you can take from him what you will. When you finally hear the lyrics and are astonished at the beauty, don't be too surprised, you should have known it was coming. --Kalil Oldham '99


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