

Keep Track of Yale Unions


It is important to remember that the current pause in the Yale strike in no way means that this strike is over. The two major unions at Yale, Local 34 and Local 35, have followed an innovative strategy where they have traded off who is on strike and have chosen not to strike during the quiet summer months. Local 35's decision to go back to work over the summer is part of this original strategy.

The efforts of Yale's employees to achieve a just settlement have gained a great deal of support here at Harvard and throughout the Boston area. A bus, rented by the Harvard Union of Clerical and Technical Workers (HUCTW), will be carrying members of the Harvard and neighboring communities to New Haven to participate in a nationally-supported rally at Yale's Commencement.

The issues of the Yale strike revolve around the maintenance of decently-paid jobs with benefits. At a time when issues of economic insecurity are receiving much attention, it is important to track the efforts of our friends at Yale to ensure justice and fairness. --Tom Canel'83,   Secretary of HUCTW


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