

Currier HoCo Is Outstanding


As a resident tutor of Currier House, I was shocked and saddened to hear of the arrests of two seniors on the evening of Wednesday, April 10. The Crimson is to be commended for its reporting of the case on Friday, April 12. However, the column of Joshua A. Kaufman which appeared on Saturday, April 13 was nothing short of disgraceful. There is nothing funny about this case, nor that of Natalie Szekeres, to which he alludes.

Further, his comments about the Currier House Committee were contemptible and wholly unfounded. The current president of the Currier House Committee, Jocelyn Kiley '97, who was elected February 1996, and her predecessor, Zach Buchwald '96, have done and continue to do outstanding work and service for Currier House. They and the Currier House Committee deserve an apology from Mr. Kaufman. --David Kidger,   Resident Tutor,   Currier House


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