
Council Exec. Hopefuls Debate

U.C. Candidates Speak at the IOP

The candidates in the Undergraduate Council's first campus-wide election for its president and vice president met face-to-face last night at a debate hosted by the Harvard Political Union (HPU) at the Institute of Politics.

The 11 presidential and four vice presidential candidates spoke for 90 minutes before an animated crowd of about 150 students. The audience was composed largely of council representatives past and present, members of the HPU and candidate supporters.

Presidential candidates gave opening speeches followed by a period of questions posed by the audience and moderator and each presidential candidate's closing comments.

Some candidates emphasized their position on legislative issues in their speeches, while others spoke about their leadership experience and their reform of council structure.

Candidate Joseph G. Cleemann '98 said the council needs to spearhead a movement for social issues.

"The U.C. needs to be militant in some respects. We can embarrass the school and the nation. Let's stop talking about dances and who knows what," he said.


On the other side of the spectrum, John J. Appelbaum '97 said student services are far more important than social issues.

"We've allowed the U.C. to become a debating club," said Appelbaum.

"We're too busy playing God to get shuttle buses for spring break. Mr. Cleemann says we need to embarrass Harvard--we've already embarrassed Harvard," he said.

Michael R. Petitpas '95-'97 emphasized his long experience and status as an outsider.

"I have no interest in politicking and backbiting. I can't run again, I have no favorites to play," said Petitpas.

Matthew B. Bakal '97 is also something of an outsider, not having served on the council since his first year at Harvard. Bakal emphasized his combination of experience and fresh ideas.

"I'm the outsider's insider. I've thought a lot about the UC--I'm pissed. I've got bitterness," said Bakal.

"No more playing politics. The campus is going to be a more quality place to live," he said.

Then there were those who emphasized their experience.

Candidate Rudd W. Coffey '97 noted that he has served the longest on the council.

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