
RSI Talk Planned

Group Assists Carpal Tunnel Patients

Local advocates for victims of carpal tunnel syndrome and other repetitive strain injuries (RSI) will hold a meeting tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. at Dudley House's Graduate Student Lounge.

The discussion will focus on prevention of and treatment for RSI, according to Hilary Marcus of the Somerville-based Coalition on New Office Technology (CNOT), the group organizing the meeting.

This is the second "RSI in the Universities" meeting held by RSI Action, a project of CNOT.

Fifty people attended the first RSI Action meeting at MIT last month.

"Unfortunately, [RSI] is epidemic," Marcus said.


Marcus has invited staff members, graduate students and undergraduates from colleges and universities around Boston to attend tomorrow's meeting.

RSI Action lobbies at both a local and national level to aid people with such injuries, according to Marcus.

"The group shares resources, educates for RSI prevention and advocates for make workplaces more safe," Marcus said. "People share information about what treatments are helpful and what accommodations are necessary."

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