

Soft Arts Not Slow


I was sorry to discover a misunderstanding in your article of March 11 ("Lowell Hall Expo Highlights Eight Martial Arts," News Story) and wanted to correct the definition for those readers considering starting one of the martial arts demonstrated in Sunday's exhibition.

The article says that karate is a "hard" art, focusing on speed and power, while the "soft" arts focus on control and balance. As the Korean Karate speaker mentioned, control and balance are two of the vital components of that art; neither do the "soft" arts necessarily lack speed and power. As I understand it, the difference rather is about redirecting an opponent's energy/turning his strength or momentum to the defender's advantage/etc. ("circular" moves may be featured) versus a defense consisting of self-originating attacks against the opponent (mention of "linear" moves).

Techniques found in an art like Aikido can stop attacks without permanently harming the opponent; Tae Kwon Do contains debilitating counterattacks. Styles such as Jujitsu (old) and Kenpo (newer) show examples of both kicks and "throws." (Practitioners, please pardon my very general definitions!) I am no expert and continue in my own understanding, but I hope those involved in the martial arts might keep the many components in mind as they progress in their studies. --A. J. Liuba   Boston, MA


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