They know your last name. First name. Middle initial. Phone number. E-mail. House. Room. Roommate. Concentration. Hometown. They know all. And They're coming to get you.
As They did to Toni Marie Angeli, a student at the Extension School, who was arrested at Zona Photographic when she went to pick up her pictures there. They knew she had taken oh-so-evil photos of her naked son, in a park, urinating next to his friend. They did not know that this work was part of a project titled "Innocence in Nudity" being prepared for a course at the Carpenter Center. Nor did They care.
So They swooped down to snatch up the vixen. And earlier this week, she was sentenced to 30 days in jail, 18 months of probation, 50 hours of community service and a $229 fine. The puritanical jury obviously didn't hold to the selective enforcement mentality that freed O.J. Nope, there weren't any extenuating circumstances to protect Ms. Angeli from They.
Obviously, They are already in Boston. And now, with the new Federal telecommunications bill, They are on the Internet. They know where you post to, and what you post. They know what you peruse and how much you download. They know and They're ready to pounce on you, poor citizen.
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