
Trying to Broaden His Base, Forbes Moves Beyond Taxes

The New Hampshire Primary

NASHUA, N.H.--Presidential candidate Malcom S. "Steve" Forbes Jr. changed his campaign strategy over the weekend to present himself as a multi-dimensional, approachable candidate and "a good family man."

Lagging several points behind other candidates after finishing a disappointing fourth in last week's Iowa caucus, Forbes addressed local Christian clergy members about his views on abortion, family values and isolationism, hoping to broaden his base of support two days before the New Hampshire primary.

"I believe in exchanging ideas," Forbes said. "It is a learning experience for both sides."

At a meeting with members of the religious right Sunday at the Marriott here, the candidate known primarily for his support of a 17 percent flat tax said he does not categorically oppose abortion rights.

"I want abortions to disappear in America," he said. But he said he would not try to make them illegal.


Although he supports parental notification for minors seeking abortions, Forbes said he would not interfere with a woman's right to choose early in pregnancy or when her life is in danger.

Forbes explained to the pro-life religious leaders that he does not plan to introduce a constitutional amendment against abortion because he does not think Congress can approve it by the necessary two-thirds. "We need to go step-by-step to move the issue forward," he said.

"There needs to be a fundamental change in heart in America" before abortion can be banned, he said.

Forbes said he wants to reduce public-sector intervention in individuals' private lives.

Current policies, he said, work against families.

By cutting taxes, Forbes said individuals will gain the freedom to make the best decisions.

"When people have more [money], they will give more," he said.

Forbes also told the Christian leaders he would be an effective leader in international affairs. Pointing to his six-year service in the National Guard, he said he would make a qualified commander-in-chief.

He criticized President Clinton's foreign policy decisions, saying that extending America's mission in Somalia was a mistake.

Audience members noted the difference in Forbes' campaigning style evident at the meeting.
