
Adams Banner Returned

The Adams House banner stolen by two Wesleyan students on November 22, 1995 was re-installed by the house superintendent last month.

The red, gold and white banner, which once again hangs near the Gold Room staircase in A-entryway, is valued at more than $2,000, said Assistant to the House Masters Victoria R. Macy.

The alleged thieves, friends of Wesleyan transfer student Basil O. El Baz '97, stole the flag during their November visit, unbeknownst to El Baz.

While visiting his friends at Wesleyan, El Baz saw the banner hanging in their fraternity house. He took it down and returned it to the Adams House Superintendent's Office on December 20.

The disappearance of the banner, which was reported missing on December 9, did not cause a major stir among Adams House residents.


"I didn't even know it was missing," said Christopher P. Davis '98.

The reading period re-installment of the banner occurred without much ado either.

"I noticed its absence, but not when it was returned," said James A. Clayton '97.

The happy ending of the banner caper, however, did not go unappreciated.

"We are glad to have this unique and historic banner back," Macy said.
