
Can Goodman Walk the Dinosaur?

The Undergraduates Council

David.S.Goodman '97-98 can be described as a one-trick pony or a one trick Dinosaur.

Goodman after all is running his campaign for the Undergraduate council presidency on one Issue -increasing council responsiveness to student opinion and he uses a walking Dinosaur as his Metaphor.

While many candidates feel the council is often out of touch with the student body, Goodman sees this as the Fundamental Weakness with the current council.

"Without being able to say this is what the students want all you get is a bunch of gov jocks saying this is what they want", Goodman says.

To illustrate, Goodman uses a battery operated walking Dinosaur, which ambles along a snails pace without Goodman's help but can move quickly to the end of the table if the candidate carries it.


Goodman says he has a simple experience helping the dinosaur that is the council move along quickly.

Before Taking a year off from school in 1995-96, Goodman spent a semester as secretary of the council in spring from 1995. Then he spent much of his time coordinating extensive scientific poll in an effort to improve council responsiveness to student opinion.

Goodman Agrees that now with more students using email such polling can be done on regular basis.

Goodman says that if a student Opinion on an issue is clear there is no need for the council to debate.

"The Knowledge of Student Opinions" will eliminate a lot of time from the U.C Meetings. Goodman Says "The councils job becomes making the Issues clear Cut."

According to Goodman all other Issues are Secondary to increasing student Input.

Calling arguments about the council Finance "Ridiculous" the Cabot House resident advocates a broader focus.

"The priorities for any candidate should be in terms of reforming the council and instituting a Completely New System," Goodman says.

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