
First-Years Prepare Second Annual Musical

Nearly 20 first-years involved in the second annual Freshman Musical met last night to read through a preliminary script of this year's show and to ratify the group's constitution.

The show, which will be performed April 9-12 in Agassiz Theater, will be about a politician and a matador in a small Spanish town, said co-producer Anne M. Thompson '00.

"It's an original plot but we'll be incorporating all the generic theater elements," Thompson said.

The writers, dramatists, composers and lyricists have been working separately since late September to develop the script. Last night's meeting was the first time the students put the script together, said Elena Cho '00, one of the group's executives.

"There are a lot of really creative people and fun things happening," Cho said. "It should be a great show."


Executive Yoon-Ho "Alex" Lee '00 said the script is almost complete. "We're showing people what's been done so far," he said. "Everything has been written in pieces."

The students approved the new constitution as a step toward gaining official student group recognition.

If the group receives official recognition from University Hall, it will be eligible to receive funding from the Undergraduate Council and turn over profits to next year's members, Thompson said.

The group received a $400 grant from the Office for the Arts for this year's production.

According to co-producer David L. Levy '00, the purpose of the musical is to "bring more freshmen into the Harvard musical community."

The musical currently has a mailing list of about 50 first-years planning to participate, according to the producers.

Levy said that it is difficult for first-years to participate in theater on campus because they lack the experience that upper-class students bring to auditions.

The group is advised by James E. Davis, head tutor and lecturer in the chemistry department, and Alan P. Symonds '69, technical director for College theater programs.

Auditions for the musical will take place at Common Casting in February. All those who audition will be given a role in the play, Levy said.

Bradley C. Barnhorst '00, the group's webmaster, said that interested students can check out the Freshman Musical website at

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