

East Timor Action Network Also Supports Other Causes


Thanks for the article in the Oct. 15th Crimson ("Local Activists Praise Nobel Winners"). Matthew Stoller relayed pretty acurately the scope of the work done by the East Timor Action Network in the greater Boston area. There are, however, three points that I would like to contribute for your readers' benefit. First, the people of East Timor are called East Timorese, not East Timorians. Second, our group works not only to support respect for human rights in East Timor, but also to secure self-determination for the people there as called for in 10 United Nations' resolutions. Third, for those people interested in getting involved, our next meeting in Loker Common is Tuesday, Nov. 5 at 7 pm. Recorded details of all ETAN/Boston events are always available at (617) 787-6809. --Mark Salzer, Conant Fellow,   Harvard Graduate School of   Education; Coordinator, East   Timor Action Network/Boston


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