
Administration Sends Letter on Alcohol Policy

In a move some house masters say might centralize the dissemination of Harvard's alcohol policy, house masters have been asked to send out variations on a letter by Dean of the College Harry R. Lewis '68.

Lewis wrote in an e-mail message that his sample letter is intended "simply as a helpful starting point." Masters hope it will lead to more unified understanding of the policy and reduce confusion among students.

"This is simply a continuation of the College's efforts to increase awareness of the dangers of alcohol abuse," Lewis wrote.

The letter summarizes college policy, lists emergency medical phone numbers and says any visits to University Health Services (UHS) will be kept confidential.

Leverett, Kirkland and Winthrop House residents have already received the letters, and officials in Cabot, Currier, Dunster and Lowell plan to distribute similar ones.


Dunster House Master Karel F. Liem said the written communication is a departure from the past, adding that Dunster officials have always verbally conveyed guidelines to the House Committee.

"I think things are more centralized now," Liem said. "The dean expects us to have a more uniform policy.... I believe the directive is that we ought to send [Lewis'] letter."

"Variations on the central theme are possible, but the central theme must be communicated in order to make policies uniform," he said.

Leverett House Assistant to the Master Ann Margaret Schellenberg stated that house's letter is a nearly exact replica of Lewis' draft, with only one grammatical change.

Currier House Senior Tutor John D. Stubbs '80, however, said each house could modify Lewis' letter to address its own concerns.

Lewis' draft summarized college policy and gave specific information on whom to contact at UHS in the event of an alcohol-related emergency.

He tried to quell student concerns about possible disciplinary action by noting, "UHS carefully protects the privacy of medical information and complies with all requirements of confidentially imposed by law."

Lowell House Master William H. Bossert '59 said he thought the letter provided needed clarification of UHS procedure.

"Many roommates are worried about taking a roommate to UHS and getting him in trouble," said Bossert. "That's not the case.... This is not going to put their Harvard career[s] in jeopardy."

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