
Faculty, Students, Administrators Fill Candidates' Coffers

Records Show Donations by University Affiliates Lower Than Those in 1994's Contest Between Kennedy and Romney

According to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC), Harvard affiliates this year donated more than $10,000 to the campaigns of Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) and his Republican challenger, Gov. William F. Weld '66.

Among the most notable benefactors are Baker Professor of Economics Martin S. Feldstein '61, University Marshal Richard S. Hunt and David R. Mittelman, a bond manager for Harvard Management.

The list was compiled from reports that the FEC requires candidates to submit throughout the election year. Because many donors refuse to name their employer, however, the search is not comprehensive and may have missed some Harvard employees.

Most faculty members contacted by The Crimson were candid about their political opinions.

Feldstein says he feels Weld "has done an outstanding job as governor and would bring intelligence and good sense to the Senate."


Although he served as the chair of the Council of Economic Advisers in the Reagan administration and is a well-known Republican, Feldstein says his $2,000 donation marks his first financial contribution to Weld, who is now in his second term as governor.

But Feldstein adamantly denies that his political activity may influence his teaching.

Hunt, who like Feldstein contributed to Weld's campaign, says he nevertheless has a deep respect for Kerry.

"I'm a centrist, and both men are mavericks in their party," Hunt says. "I happen to agree with some of his [Weld's] social positions."

Asked whether he is worried about Weld's relationship to conservative Republicans who have proposed cuts in funding for higher education, the University marshal says he feels Weld has distanced himself from the extremes of the Republican party.

"I don't think he's associated himself with the Gingrich plan," Hunt says.

Williams Professor of Design Emeritus William A. Doebele, a Kerry supporter, also says he respects both men.

Although Doebele says he "agrees with John Kerry's positions," he notes that he "wants Weld to stay governor."

The youngest Harvard benefactor was Matthew T. Ozug '00, who contributed $225 to the Kerry campaign.

Ozug, a Bridgewater, Mass., resident, says he bought $25 tickets to a Kerry fundraiser for himself and 10 of his friends.

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