
Weld, Kerry Hold Final Debate


In the crucial final debate before next week's U.S. Senate election, Gov. William F. Weld '66 and Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass) last night cautiously attacked each other's records and stressed their sharp differences in political philosophies.

"What I've been fighting for in the U.S. Senate is fairness," Kerry said. "I'm fighting to guarantee that the working person gets a break."

With polls showing the two candidates in a dead heat and at least 10 percent of the voters still undecided, the stakes were high for both Weld and Kerry in their eighth debate.

As he did in previous debates, Weld reminded voters that in his six years as governor, he has cut taxes 15 times, created 250,000 new jobs and fought for welfare reform.

Kerry disputed Weld's claims and said the Democrats were responsible for the beneficial changes in the state.

"He sounds like a rooster trying to take credit for the sunrise," Kerry said. "We're the ones that created 10 million jobs."


The debate turned bitter when Kerry charged Weld with releasing 700 sex offenders from prison prematurely.

"Most criminals in this state are less frightened of you than of Inspector Clouseau," said Kerry, referring to the bumbling detective in the Pink Panther movies.

Weld countered Kerry's accusations by reminding the senator that he furloughed several violent criminals when he served as lieutenant governor under Michael S. Dukakis.

"You were letting out murderers on furlough," Weld said. "You were sending sex offenders home for the weekend."

Instead of concentrating on specific incidents, Weld urged voters to look at the overall records of each candidate.

"I've cut taxes for six years in a row," said Weld. "I'm six-for-six. [Kerry is] zero-for-12."

But as he did in previous debates, Kerry strove to paint the governor as an uncaring politician who looks out only for the interests of the wealthy.

"The tax cuts [Weld] proposed went to business or the wealthy," Kerry said.

Kerry also pointed to Weld's tuition hikes for students and his welfare bill as examples of the governor's lack of sensitivity toward the underprivileged.

"Unlike [Weld's] welfare reform bill, I didn't kick kids off of health care," Kerry said.

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