The Faculty Council discussed raising the College's minimum and satisfactory academic requirements with Dean of the College Harry R. Lewis '68 in their regular meeting yesterday.
The discussion paper prepared by Lewis proposed to raise slightly the academic standards which students must meet to remain in good standing with the College.
"It's not a punitive thing in anyway," said Mallinckrodt Professor of Applied Physics William Paul, a member of the council.
"It would be a way of identifying a little bit earlier than usual students who for any reason aren't doing all that well...and then to talk to them and advise them," Paul said.
Council members said they were concerned that struggling students whose performance does not technically require them to withdraw or be placed on probation are not receiving the attention they need.
"The concern has been that there are some students whose performance is near the minimum standard and who would benefit if they came under some academic scrutiny," said Professor of History of Science Allan M. Brandt, a member of the council.
The council passed the issue to the Committee on Undergraduate Education (CUE) for further discussion and student input.
The minimum standard requires that students earn at least one satisfactory grade (C- or better) and do not fail more than one class during each semester. Students not meeting this requirement are forced to withdraw.
Council members said they are concerned that the minimum standard does not place students who are in danger of failing out on an adequate path toward graduation.
"If you were achieving the minimum and if you continue that for eight terms, you wouldn't have enough credits to graduate," said A "Satisfactory Academic Record" according to the Handbook for Students is "passing grades in all courses...and no more than one D in any term." A student who does not meet this standard is placed on probation. Lewis refused to comment on the possible changes until the proposal was considered by the CUE. The council also continued its discussion of retirement and benefits. Members discussed an interim report of the Benefits Committee which Professor of Sociology Peter V. Marsden presented at last May's Faculty of Arts and Sciences Meeting. Marsden's report includes discussions of pension contributions and long-term health care benefits. Discussion of a report on retirement is docketed for next month's Faculty meeting. Robinson Professor of Celtic Languages and Literature Patrick Ford joined the council today, filling its sole vacant seat
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