
Harvard U.N. Day Planned

Students to Celebrate 51st Anniversary of United Nations

The Woodbridge Society of International Students and the International Relations Council (IRC) will host Harvard's first celebration of United Nations Day tomorrow.

The event, which marks the 51st anniversary of the United Nations (U.N.), will feature international food and cultural performances.

The Institute of Politics will also host a U.N.-related event: U.N. Secretary General Bhoutros-Bhoutros Ghali will speak at the ARCO Forum at the Kennedy School at 8 p.m. tomorrow.

Although the event's organizers lauded the accomplishments of the U.N. over its 51 years of existence, they said yesterday that Harvard's U.N. Day will focus mainly on the international flavor of the Harvard community and the multinational spirit of the U.N.

"While this event is aimed at celebrating the positive achievements of the U.N. in the past 51 years, one's opinion of the U.N. is not our central concern, as we are also celebrating internationalism on campus," said Siddharth Mohandas '00, one of the event's organizers.


"We're not necessarily pushing for the U.N. organization, but rather for a celebration of its spirit of international cooperation which thrives as vitally now as it did at its birth," said event organizer Odette S.W. Lienau '00.

But another organizer, Katerina Linos '00, said she thinks the celebration of U.N. Day is important for its recognition of the U.N.'s accomplishments.

"U.N. Day is a time to make everyone aware of the successes of a much-criticized organization," Linos said.

Festivities will be held from 7 to 8 p.m. in Robinson Hall. Entertainment will be provided by members of the South Asian Association, Folklorico d'Aztlan and a Thai musical performer. In addition, Mallar Bhattacharya '98 will be playing the sarod, a traditional Indian instrument.

Several local restaurants, including Skewers, Algiers Cafe, Delhi Darbhar, Border Cafe, Asmara, Tandoor and Casablanca, will provide food for the event. Gift certificates to Bertucci's will also be raffled.

Both the IRC and the Harvard Foundation have contributed financial support for the event.

The Woodbridge Society will table outside the Science Center on U.N. Day to provide more information about the U.N. In addition, organizers plan to run announcements on the Loker light-emitting diode display to publicize the U.N.'s accomplishments.

The Harvard Marshal's Office will also fly the U.N. flag over the John Harvard statue in honor of U.N. Day.
