



SAC Voter Registration Drive Concludes Today at K-School

The Institute of Politics will conclude its voter recruitment drive today, the deadline to register to vote in November's general election.

"Since there are so many undergraduates who haven't voted in a presidential election, I would hate to see people lose the opportunity," said Avery W. Gardiner '97, chair of the IOP's Student Advisory Committee.

The IOP has already helped more than 850 Harvard students register to vote, Gardiner said.


According to Gardiner, the IOP will collect registration cards today until mid-afternoon, when group members will take the final forms to Cambridge City Hall, where they must be turned in by 5 p.m.

Students who wish to register to vote in Cambridge can fill out a form at the IOP's Kennedy School headquarters.

Gardiner said it is too late for students to register out-of-state.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the 26th amendment, which lowered the voting age to 18.

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