I would like to express my disdain for the deplorable actions of the Harvard heritage Society concerning their interruption of "Government 1091: Liberalism and Conservatism in American Politics." Their in-class display on Friday exhibited an appalling lack of respect for the students and faculty of the University. While I strongly and ardently defend the principle of free speech, this group chose a most inappropriate forum to express their views, by delaying the start of class ten minutes.
During the integration of Southern universities in the 1960's, protests may have raged outside the classroom; but inside the schoolhouses, students were at least able to obtain an education. It is lamentable to see that Friday's action inhibited fellow students' quest for knowledge and violated the principle of freedom of peaceable assembly. Considering that each Harvard class costs over $2,200, and that "Liberalism and Conservatism" has scheduled twenty-two hours of class sessions this term, this ten-minute outburst cost each student over fifteen dollars.
So, I have two requests for the Harvard Heritage Society. First, I would like a fifteen-dollar refund for myself and for all other students whose time and tuition were wasted. Second, I hope this group chooses an appropriate forum to express its views in the future, so that any other exhibition of its civil rights will not infringe on those of others. Scott M. Singer '98
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Title IX Has Bad Consequences