
Construction Continues Through Summer School

While undergraduates get in shape this summer on rollerblades or treadmills, Harvard Yard's historic buildings are getting a full-body makeover.

The beautification process isn't pretty, but summer school students will have to bear it, officials say.

Scaffolding surrounds Wigglesworth and Emerson while Straus is closed for renovations, and Memorial Hall is surrounded by a cloud of dust.

But nearly all the fences, warning signs and construction workers will be gone by September.

When the dust settles at the end of the summer, a number of buildings should see significant improvements.


Yard Dorms

Three dormitories in the Yard are undergoing construction as part of a million-dollar effort to upgrade first-year housing.

Wigglesworth, located at the southern end of the yard, is surround by scaffolding and white sheets.

"Wigglesworth is [undergoing] the same renovations as have been [made] on the other dorms," said Michael N. Lichten, director of the Office of Physical Resources. "It's a general fix-up."

The brickwork and chimneys on Wigglesworth's exterjor are being repaired and new windows are being installed, Lichten said.

On the interior, general improvements are being made, including replacing bathroom fixtures and improving ventilation, he said. improvements to its interior.

The interior work is "very similar" to thatwhich is going on in Wigglesworth, Lichten said.Among the more notable improvements, the walls,floors and heating are being renovated.

But Straus' exterior was fixed several yearsago, so work is only being done inside thebuilding.

Massachusetts Hall, which contains the officeof the president in addition to some undergraduaterooms, is having its windows replaced, Lichtensaid. Its interior will also get a "modestsprucing up."

The renovation of all three dorms will befinished by September, in time to house theincoming first-years.

Other Buildings

Five other buildings around campus--EmersonHall, the Sailing Center, Briggs Cage, the OrganicChemistry Laboratory in the Science Center andMemorial Hall--are also undergoing renovations.

Repairs in Emerson Hall will focus on the roofand an interior cooling system.

"We're primarily working on the roof and themasonry's gutter line, with some exterior wallrepair," Lichten said.

"Internally, we're improving the cooling systemin Emerson so the first floor will have cooling,"he added.

The repairs to the Sailing Center resulted froma February accident in which a state policehelicopter crashed into the building.

Lichten said the University is currentlyobtaining permits with agencies that govern theCharles River.

He said the repairs will be completed inAugust.

In Briggs Cage, the basketball stadium, theimprovements will focus on improving the comfortof the home and visiting teams.

"We're adding a visiting team room, improvingthe locker room and having an elevator installed,"Lichten said.

Briggs will be ready for next season's firstgame, and possibly for the beginning of practice.

The Organic Chemistry Laboratory is undergoingmajor renovations to expand the area wherestudents work and generally improve labconditions.

"We are adding more student fume hoods so that[there] will be more experimental areas forstudents," Lichten said.

"There will be vastly improved ventilation," headded.

Finally, the renovations at Memorial Hall thatbegan approximately a year ago will continuethrough the fall semester until the Christmasbreak.

The new building will contain a new kitchen anddining hall for first-years.

"We've built an addition to the building withwill house the kitchen for the commons andfreshman dining," Lichten said.

The new Loker Commons, also located in MemorialHall, is being built as well.

Other parts of Memorial Hall are beingimproved.

"There's some renovation in Sanders [Theatre].We're improving the heating and the ventilation.We've installed a new piano lift," Lichten said."The stage will be refinished and it's slightlybigger."

He said the renovation will also include newoffices and a new green room for performers
