

Racism Emerges At Film Showing


Finding no other way to generate my intense anger and outrage, I decided to write this letter. We were a group of five watching a movie at the Brattle Theatre. It was the end of the movie; the credits were rolling; we were whispering. From behind came the hostile words. "Keep your f---in' mouths shut." Despite our surprise at his admonition, we proceeded to sit with mouths tightly sealed for the remaining minute of the credits. It was then that the lights came on, disclosing perhaps too much for the disgruntled man. He began an onslaught of blatantly racist remarks directed at my friend. It was clearly not our rudeness which he objected to because he failed to make any comments to the rest of the group.

I cannot express how upsetting this incident was. Suddenly, I realized that the P.C. movement, let alone humanity, cannot contain racism in the silent confines of people's minds. Prejudice seeps through in dining hall and dorm room conversations. Aware of this reality, maybe I should not be so shocked at its outbreak in a movie theater. Yet, I am. This ignorant man's behavior is a brutal affront to the Cambridge community. It pains me to know that my friend's last night as a Harvard undergraduate had to involve such an event. Of course, regardless of the circumstances, racism is abominable. It is, however, particularly disturbing at such a time as graduation for debasement to sully the celebration of accomplishment. I cannot escape the waves of bitter frustration I feel. Some may argue that it is time to remove my rose-colored glasses and admit the existence of evil in the world. This passive attitude, however, is not acceptable for me. Alexandra E. Delaney '96
