

Staff Lacks Knowledge


The staff has absolutely no knowledge of this matter. It does not know what the proposals before the renovation committee area, it does not know what the renovation committee has decided it does not know what the library plans to do. It offers no solutions. For all the staff knows, all the books may be in the Harvard Depository and available on a next-day basis.

Clearly libraries must be renovated, otherwise books would fall apart. Harvard's librarians are devoted to students and books; they would protest if the plan were to damage either. The staff assumes that not enough resources are being devoted to this problem, that with more money a better solution could be found. It has no evidence of this and has made no attempt to ascertain this.

Staff editorials must be informed. This editorial, based on a knee-jerk reaction and no knowledge, is not. The staff should know better than to pass an editorial that is built on hot air.
