(written on a whim in 15 minutes--)
Mom and Dad stayed up last night.
Jennifer and I heard them an hour
after they tucked us in,
Clinking vases and plucking sofa
cushions from their tightly-packed
Setting the metronome off allegro--
Whispering among themselves:
"What'll we do if they don't find them
"Won't the lost ones attract ants?"
"Don't be such a spoil sport! They'll
find all of them."
That night we dreamt of Christmas.
In the morning,
The mad rush
Of blankets kicked forward into
The shades pulled up.
And seven o'clock sunshine
Touching every remote corner
In the crack of the floor molding,
Between the battered cookbooks on
the shelf,
Darting under mugs overturned
and a glove tossed casually on the floor.
The glint of a gilded wrapper!
"Look here! Look here!"
The thing is
Snatched delicately.
Overjoyed and disbelieving
--the house is filled with mounds of
The sheath is caressed off the curve,
The prize is trophied,
Chocolate is not my favorite but this
tastes wonderful.
One after one
The eggs and marshmallow
Bunnies, the caramel chicks
And tiny fluffy toys
Show up
Exactly where you'd expect them to.
The electrifying chill of chewing on
a foil wrapper,
A restrained, joyful sermon from
Father Stephen,
And Mom and Dad waking up to
observe the hunt from the stair,
The warmth of the outside, the tulip buds and the smell of wet grass
Today bring a wistful smile to my face.
The Easter of my youth,
Told in kitsch.
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Sublime Lines