
Bruegger's Re-Opens in Square

Bagel Shop Is Back in Business After Extensive Renovations

Bruegger's Bagel Bakery is back.

Last Saturday, Bruegger's reopened its now handicapped-accessible doors for the first time since work on the Mt. Auburn Street shop began in late December.

The store, a favorite of many Harvard students, sells dozens of different kinds of bagels and all of the accoutrements.

General Manager Arthur Thomas said he was not at liberty to give the exact cost of the renovations, but he did say that it was a "substantial," six-figure number.

The new Bruegger's is more than two and a half times its pre-renovation size, and is complete with a fullsized oven (the old oven was only half-sized), four times its original counter space, an additional register, and six new tables. Plans to add stand-up tables for hurried customers are in the works, Thomas said.


These structural changes should make Bruegger's more competitive with bigger Harvard Square eateries. The bakery's main rivals, which Thomas identified as Au Bon Pain and the Coffee Connection, have seating areas that dwarted the formerly three-tabled Bruegger's.

"If you want to compete, you have to be able to compete, and you have to have the facilities to do so," Thomas said.

Bruegger's, which expanded into the space last occupied by TCBY, has also come up with some new products to complement its improved appearance. A blueberry bagel has been introduced, and the salt bagel (which had been discontinued) is back by popular demand. Also, in response to customer requests for a wider variety of lighter cream cheese options, Bruegger's has introduced. light herb garlic and strawberry cream cheeses.A light raspberry cream cheese may be availablesoon as well, Thomas said.

There have been no price changes as a result ofthe renovations, and faithful Bruegger's customersinterviewed yesterday said they welcomed the airy,squeaky-clean new atmosphere without reservation.

Nevertheless, some, like Leo K. Yin '95,expressed some nostalgia for the old Bruegger's."The older one had a little character, justbecause it was crowded," said Yin.

Because it opened only two days ago, Thomassaid he has yet to find out how much the store'snew look will improve business.

"We're glad to be back," the manager said."We're ready, willing, and able to handle all thebagel cravings.
