Robert M. Hyman '98 was elected chair of the Undergraduate Council's finance committee this week, becoming the only first-year in the council's 13-year history to hold the post.
"I really think finance and student groups' grants need a lot of reworking, and right now I'm directing all of my efforts to that," Hyman said in an interview yesterday.
As one of his first acts, the new finance chair announced that applications for spring grants are available immediately. The chair also postponed the deadline for grants until noon on February 20.
Council observers believe that Hyman is the first first-year to be the full chair of any council committee.
He is the first voting first-year on the executive board since the spring of 1993. Then, current Student Affairs Chair Randall A. Fine '96 was one of several frosh who sat on the board. Fine was secretary of the council that spring.
At his first finance meeting, Hyman announced several plans to improve time management within the committee. He also promised to enhance the thoroughness of the grants process, according to the press release.
Hyman, who replaces W. David Hyman announced at the meeting that grantapplications can be picked up now from thecouncil's office in the basement of Holworthy. The incoming chair also discussed a bill heco-sponsored that reinstates council funding forevery house committee, according to the pressrelease. The finance chairship has typically been astepping-stone to the councilwide office oftreasures. Five of the council's past sixtreasurers--Jay I. Kim '95, Rene Reyes '95, JamilaA. Braswell '95, Carey W. Gabay '94 and Michael P.Beys '94--chaired the finance committee beforeassuming the treasurer's post. Gregory M. Heestand '98 was elected vice-chairof the committee
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