
Republican Club Divides

Moderates Split Off After Conservatives Sweep Elections

Moments after a conservative sweep in last night's Harvard Republican Club elections, the group's moderate wing split off to form a new organization, the Harvard Radcliffe Republican Alliance.

"The Harvard Republican Club is a decaying infrastructure with weak support," said Luke A. Sarsfield '95 , who last night initiated the formation of the new club. "We need to go somewhere and build a new house."

Members of the newly established Republican Alliance came to the meeting prepared to leave the Republican Club.

Although they did not declare their intention to split until after losing the elections they had already put together press packets describing their new group.

However, the various candidates, Amanda P. Williams '96, Corwyn D. Hopke '96, William D. Zerhouni '98 and Heather A. Clayton '98, made it clear from the outset that they were a united ticket.


In a pamphlet distributed prior to the elections, labeled "The Big Tent Ticket," the candidates laid out their platform and included their nominees for each office.

But this platform was unable to dethrone the more conservative candidates. For the office of president James M. Dickerson '98 defeated Williams.

Dickerson expressed his intention to improve the image of the club and prevent internal strife.

"I will support the club no matter what decisions are made," said Dickerson "Members with opposing views shouldn't damage the integrity of the club."

Williams in her pre-election speech noted the lack of diversity within the club.

"There's not a single African-American in here and only a smattering of women," Williams said.

Williams, if elected, promised to give the club a stronger voice on campus and also to restore "Radcliffe" to the official title of the organization. The nomenclature was removed by the club's outgoing administration.

Williams said she is opposed to the club's current constitution which stipulates that the club will support the platform of the Republican National Committee.

"We should use the national policy as a stepping stone but members should decide the view of the club focusing on action," Williams said.

The other new club officers elected last night were Brian E. Malone '96, vice president; Carlos A. Zumpano '96,secretary; Dan Lickel '96, treasurer.

All of the defeated candidates for officejoined the Harvard-Radcliffe Republican Allianceat the end of the evening.
