
Ex-Cop to Head Guard Unit

Kantor Plans to Restructure Unit, Improve Communication

A long-time Cambridge resident and member of the city's police force has been hired to head-up the University's security guard unit.

Calvin J. Kantor, who begins work February 6, will be responsible for supervising Harvard's approximately 90 security guards. In addition, Kantor, 57, will be charged with restructuring the unit to improve communication between guards and their supervisors.

"I'm looking forward to the challenge," Kantor said in a telephone interview from his home. "I heard they were having a few problems with the guard service."

Between 1992 and 1993, it former and current security guards alleged a pattern of discrimination and favoritism in the unit. The University investigated these claims but found no basis for the allegations. Still, several legal claims against Harvard remain pending.

"I think there are problems as far as a liaison and a lack of communications between guards and supervisors [and] I have to build bridges between these people in order to get along," Kantor said.


Harvard Police Chief Paul E. Johnson said in an interview Monday that he is looking forward to working with Kantor.

"He is very congenial and thor- ough," the chief said. "He is eminentlyqualified."

Kantor, a former Cambridge police lieutenant,retired from his position as superintendent of theCambridge force in December of 1992.

"When he worked in Cambridge, he was wellrecognized by the [officers] and well-respected,"said Cambridge police Lt. Det. Frank Pasquarello,who applauded the University's decision. "If anyguy is going to be able to bring people together,it will be [Kantor]."

Kantor has also worked as the executiveassistant to former Cambridge Police CommissionerAnthony Paoillo and as executive officer tocurrent Chief Perry L. Anderson. He was namedsuperintendent in June of 1992.

Kantor is originally from upstate New York andattended a Massachusetts Bay Community Collegeaffiliate school. He will earn between $40,800 and$67,300, according to an advertisement for the joblisted in the Harvard Gazette.

"He is a very nice person, very good to workwith and he has always worked extremely well withthe Harvard police," Harvard police Lt. LawrenceJ. Murphy said
