
Hillel Chooses New Leaders

Will Try to Strengthen Ties With Ethnic, Religious Groups

David J. Andorsky '97 was elected chair of the Harvard-Radcliffe Hillel last night on the first ballot, while chair-candidate Leah J. Solomon '97 was elected associate chair.

The two new leaders say they plan to continue the group's efforts to strengthen ties with other religious and ethnic groups on campus.

"I'm looking forward to working closely with other community leaders to make a difference in this world," said Andorsky, an Eliot House resident and chemistry concentrator. "I'm expecting a great year for Harvard and Hillel."

Andorsky, who is a Crimson editor, won a majority of the votes in a race that included Solomon, Rachel B. Tiven '96-'97 and Talia Milgrom-Elcott '98.

Outgoing chair Ethan M. Tucker '97 says he is confident that Andorsky, who is his roommate and the new board, will "continue the commitment to Jewish learning and education."


Solomon said she was "very excited" about her new position. "The leadership of Hillel is structured so that the entire steering committee works together."

Solomon said she is looking forward to defining the associate chair position. "I want to work with the 'Leadership Council,' a new group at Hillel, to bring greater participation from a more diverse group of students."

Andorsky and Solomon emphasized their commitment to improving relations with other religious and ethnic groups on campus. In interviews last night both pointed to the success of last Sunday's interethnic service day as an example of what could, and should, be accomplished when students of different backgrounds work together.

"Dave [Andorsky] and I have worked together in the past, and I think we'll probably work very well together." Solomon said, "We've been friends for a long time."

Tiven took last year off to work with a television producer in New York City. "I had a lot of things to say that were substantively different than what the others had to say," Tiven said after the election.

Tiven, who said she was pleased with the results, believes she affected the election. "I'm confident that I'll have an opportunity to make an impact this year."

"It really speaks well of Hillel that we had four qualified candidates. Dave is a great guy," Tiven said.

Andorsky and Solomon will join a steering committee that already includes an annual events coordinator and several adult staffers. According to Tucker, the committee's secretary will be appointed soon.

To some Hillel affiliates, Andorsky's election marks the continuation of a disturbing trend. According to Solomon, nobody can remember when or whether Hillel has ever had a woman chair.

Although Solomon said gender was not the reason Andorsky won, she does believe that it is a major issue. "Defining the role of associate chair will be a big step... towards changing the image of what a woman can do as part of Hillel's leadership," she said
