
HCS Selects Executives

Candidates Drilled by Society Members

The Harvard Computer Society yesterday elected Daniel A. Lopez '97 as its new president. Also elected were Business Manager Justin T. Lin '98 and Secretary Robert J. Klein '98.

New executives' terms will begin spring semester and will continue through the fall semester of next year.

Lopez and competitor Cindy L. Alvarez '97 faced an unexpectedly long question-and-answer session from the 23 members of the society present at the election.

"I feel like we've bonded in some sort of way," Lopez said following the vote.

Members peppered Alvarez and Lopez with questions about HCS's relationship with Harvard Arts and Sciences Computer Services [HASCS], arguing that it is inappropriate for the society to perform services for the College without adequate compensation.


Currently, HCS provides account services for student organizations and helps to set up student network connections. HASCS has recently revoked accounts for student groups.

"Advocacy is one thing," Lopez said. "Filling HASCS's shoes is another."

Lopez suggested that the society first evaluate the services it currently provides and then consider the issue of seeking compensation.

Current HCS President and Election Moderator John E. Stafford '96, who is a Crimson editor, said he was pleased by the election process.

"As moderator, I'm happy it's been a spirited discussion...I'm happy to see a lot of interest in the races," Stafford said. "This was definitely the deepest slate of candidates I've seen in my time in the society."

In total, seven candidates ran for the three positions decided yesterday.

"They're a good board; they will do well," Alvarez said following the election.

As president, Lopez expressed his interest in increasing membership.

"One of our biggest problems is how to bring in members," Lopez said following the election. "We don't have a comp, or a very clear path on how members can become more active...we need to find a better way."

Lopez said he will encourage new members to begin their involvement by writing articles for the Harvard Computer Review. This will give them a chance to realize their interests--and if they write a game review, to maybe get some free game software too.

As business manager, Lin said the group should look for sources of funding in addition to obtaining funds from the Undergraduate Council.

"We will push new projects that will hopefully provide us with enough income into the future, such as [used] network card sales," Lin said
