I want to endorse strongly the HAND program as it is now operating, to praise and thank everyone who has made it the success that it is, and to express every intention that it remain as strong a program in the future or indeed become even stronger.
Towards these ends, I wish the HAND programs to continue operating without change for the remainder of this academic year. I have invited Gail Epstein to remain fully employed and with full responsibility for the operation of the HAND programs for the remainder of this academic year. There would be no changes in the office at 7 Linden Street before the end of the academic year, and Virginia Read would remain in her position there carrying out her present responsibilities in support of HAND.
During this period it is my hope that Ms. Epstein will gradually share her knowledge and expertise with Dean Judith Kidd. Dean Kidd will be responsible for staffing decisions affecting the operation of the HAND programs for Fall 1996 and beyond. She will actively involve the student Central Hand Coordinators, Ms. Epstein, and others in discussions concerning the administrative support of these programs in the future.
Every effort will be made to make decisions concerning administrative support of HAND early, so that there can be maximum overlap between Ms. Epstein and the present Central Coordinators on the one hand, and those who will be providing the direct support to the programs in the fall of 1996. --Harry R. Lewis'68 Dean of Harvard College
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