
Clinton to Shorten Japan Visit

Will Attend Two, Not Five Days of Osaka Summit

Monday night.

The president originally was to spend six days abroad, beginning on Thursday.

In curtailing the trip, the White House turned aside calls from Clinton critics to cancel it altogether and stay home to negotiate budget matters.

Clinton did meet late last night at the White House with congressional leaders, but they made no progress other than to have more meetings today. The government was to be partly shut down today if the White House and congressional Republicans do not agree on a temporary spending measure.

White House spokesperson Mike McCurry said Clinton is making the trip because he refuses to allow the budget crisis to prevent him from fulfilling his constitutional duties as president.

" This trip is in the interest of the American people," McCurry said. "He will be a phone call away. If there is a need to have him in contact with the congressional leadership, he can do so at any point."


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