
Guest Speaker Outlines Research Opportunities

The former dean of the Hebrew University Medical School in Jerusalem discussed U.S.-Israeli relations on a non-political level last night at the Harvard-Radcliffe Hillel.

Dr. Rami Rahamimoff discussed the numerous possibilities in basic medical research in Israel available to American students.

Rahamimoff told a group of 12 students about the Binational Science Foundation (BSF), which awards grants to American and Israeli scientists for joint research in a number of different scientific fields.

"The BSF is a very important source of support for Israeli science," Rahamimoff said. "It permits collaboration between scientists in the US and Israel."

At last night's meeting, Berry Professor of Neurobiology Dr. Edward A Kravitz also discussed some of the options open to pre-med undergraduates at Harvard who are considering a medical career in Israel.


"This was meant to introduce Harvard students to a non-political aspect of the American-Israeli relationship," said Laura B. Mutterperl '97, who worked for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in Washington, D.C. last summer.
