The Civil Liberties Union of Harvard (CLUH) yesterday unofficially decided to back the administration's disapproval of the student protest in the Government 1091 lecture on September 22.
"We support the policy as it is stated in the rules," said E. Michelle Drake '97-'96, director of CLUH.
CLUH plans to release a formal statement on its position sometime next week.
The student protest targeted conservatives Harvey C. Mansfield Jr. '53, who is Kenan professor of government, and George F. Will, who is visiting lecturer on government.
Mansfield and Will, along with Professor of Government Michael J. Sandel are co-teaching the course, titled "Liberalism and Conservatism in American Politics" this semester.
In a previous e-mail response to the student protest, Dean of the College Harry R. Lewis '68 referred to the University Free Speech Guidelines pamphlet and the Resolution on Rights and Responsibilities.
Citing the Rights and Responsibilities Resolution, Lewis said last week, "Interference with members of the University in performance of their normal duties and activities must be regarded as unacceptable obstruction of the essential processes of the University."
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