

Protests Add Humor


It is odd that the staff has decided to condemn student outbursts and disruptions in the classroom, and to recommend punishment for these actions. The pranks committed by the Lampoon, final clubs, and now the Strategic Offense Society (SOS) inject humor into often boring lectures. In fact, the SOS stunt in Government 1091 gave students of all political persuasions an occasion to laugh. The staff, as students, should leave whining about punishing students for violations of University guidelines to grouchy professors and administrators.

The staff focuses on the sensational nature of the SOS protest but ignores their most substantive action--handing out fliers which featured some of Prof. Mansfield's more ridiculous quotes. Mansfield's comments prove that he does not deserve the David Duke Award for Teaching Excellence. His unsubstantiated and ill-concieved theories about Black students are more in the tradition of the late Professor Richard Herrnstein.

Like Prof. Mansfield, George Will's writings and teachings are also filled with inconsistencies. Instead of complaining about SOS, the staff should devote itself to exposing the fraudulent politics of this reactionary pair.
