

Return of the Mealtime Messiah

Has the cherished Mealtime Messiah been resurrected? We are never certain in our judgements regarding matters transcendental, but it appears that Michael P. Berry, the director of dining services, has been working over the summer on changes which will significantly improve our otherwise lackluster dining experience at Harvard.

Breakfast hours have been expanded so that students need not rise at the crack of dawn for those proverbial blueberry pancakes.

And, prompted by student responses to the Dining Service's now-annual spring survey, Berry has revised all the College's recipes so that they are "healthier and lighter." He also sent 65 of his 75 bakers and chefs to cooking school and scheduled 18 special meals and 20 culinary stations for the year.

In addition, Berry has invited the winner of the Beard award, the nation's highest culinary honor, to prepare a "sumptuous feast" at Harvard.

Already this year we have been visited by cheerful dining hall workers carrying delicious ice cream sundaes to our doors. Each student has even been treated to a lobster at the popular Clam Bake.


Berry should be commended in his effort to listen to students' needs and wants and then work to make those changes which will directly improve the quality of students' lives.

While we know the dining hall experience is not and will not be perfect, improvement is always appreciated. And we're keeping our fingers crossed for the most divine of collegiate miracles from our Mealtime Messiah: turning dining hall water into beer.
