

Attack on Crimson Key Is Immature, Spiteful


We are deeply disturbed by the tone of the staff's position. Such a mean-spirited diatribe is certainly not the way to begin the year, and makes The Crimson appear immature and spiteful.

Legitimate objections to the Crimson Key Society do exist. For instance, the organization has been criticized for presenting a sugar-coated picture of life at Harvard. Yet the staff's position does not provide a rational critique of the society or of its policies. Instead, it takes an unsuccessful event as an excuse for some petty bashing.

This year, members of the Crimson Key Society showed compassion by removing insensitive references to death from their annual performance of "Love Story." Unfortunately, The Crimson's staff does not seem to possess that same level of maturity.

We hope that the staff editorial does not indicate a trend of undeserved nastiness to other campus organizations.
