
Expos Teacher Named Dunster Senior Tutor

After a six week search by house tutors and students, expository writing teacher Suzi Naiburg was named the new Allston Burr Senior Tutor of Dunster House on Friday.

Naiburg replaces Henriette L. Power as the head of the house tutorial staff, which was deeply divided last year over allegations of improper tutor hiring procedures. She will assume her new post next fall.

"I am looking forward to being part of student life, mentoring students, helping to be part of community life at Dunster House, getting to know students and working closely with the master and co-master of the house and the tutorial staff," Naiburg said.

Naiburg said she already has plans for her term as senior tutor. She hopes to organize an interfaith celebration of the Jewish peace holiday Sukkot in the house.

"I would also like to offer an informal study group one night a week over dinner on dream interpretation because I am interested in depth psychology." she said.


House Co-Masters Karel F. and Hetty Liem sent a letter to Dunster students and tutors last Friday announcing that Naiburg would join the tutorial staff.

In the letter, they praised Naiburg's "impressive credentials" and "extensive educational and administrative skills."

"I believe that we are very lucky to have attracted a person of the caliber of Suzi," Karel Liem said yesterday. "I'm also very happy to have a senior tutor who has such a broad interest in culture, psychology, diversity, and has an international view of the educational system."

Dunster Students also praised the incoming senior tutor, who was chosen from anoriginal list of 16 applicants. After the Liemsnarrowed the pool to three, undergraduate housecommittee members and house tutors interviewed thecandidates and made recommendations.

The final choice was made by the Liems and Deanof the College L. Fred Jewett '57.

Several students who have studied with Naiburgalso praise her abilities.

"She is a wonderful academic advisor," saidRebecca A. Murray '95, who is taking a juniortutorial with Naiburg. "she's also a great personjust to talk to about what's going on in yourlife."

Naiburg will continue to teach in theexpository writing program after she assumes herduties as tutor.

Power, Naiburg's predecessor as senior tutor,has said she is leaving the post for familyreasons. She also said last year's controversyover tutor hiring contributed to her decision tostep down.

Eight Dunster tutors alleged that Vincent W. Li'87, assistant senior tutor in charge of hiring,improperly influenced Liem to hire Li's relativesand friends as tutors
