
Coming Network Attractions

The following are some of the goals for the future expansion and improvement of Harvard's networking capabilities, as outlined in a confidential memo written by the acting director of the Harvard Arts and Sciences Computer Services, Richard S. Steen in January:

.Connect Graduate School of Arts and Sciences residences as well as Faculty and staff buildings and departments to the network.

.Place data jacks which connect to the network in public spaces for portable computing.

.Install connections to homes in communities surrounding Harvard within the year.

.Develop professional quality video tapes describing network services.


.Implement the Kerberos authentication system (an advanced security system currently used at MIT) on all HASCS machines, personal computers and Mac-Intoshes connected to the work.

.Establish new staff offices and programmer areas to alleviate space shortages.

.Develop software and a class sectioning program that would allow for classes to make section assignments over the network.
